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El n mero de correspondiente al segundo
El número 59 de , correspondiente al segundo semestre de 2014, ofrece la sección Temas y Problemas de Nuestra América, en el que se encuentran artículos relacionados con asuntos de gran relevancia actual. En primer lugar, el texto “Nuevas narrativas constitucionales en Bolivia y Ecuador: el buen viv
Tal como lo expresan los
Tal como lo expresan los cantos rituales registrados por Echeverri, las alusiones SB 431542 la orfandad siempre están asociadas con la curación social e histórica que se consigue mediante el trabajo agrícola y el yetárafue, la conducta adecuada. Echeverri articula este análisis de la tradición liter
Ante estas opiniones hay que
Ante estas opiniones, hay que tomar en cuenta que: “investigaciones recientes muestran que los pueblos indígenas han emergido junto AKT inhibitor VIII procesos de revitalización étnica y cultural, que han transformado el escenario sociopolítico y han puesto en tela de juicio las antiguas conceptual
Los movimientos que propiciaron los cosmopolitismos
Los movimientos que propiciaron los cosmopolitismos de Sur y Orígenes fueron distintos: en el primer caso, se quería innovar mediante la importación, en el segundo, se buscó importar para legitimar una apuesta poética propia. La diferencia en los sentidos de estos movimientos de selección editorial
Y no se trata s lo de observar estas
Y no se trata sólo de observar estas prácticas de manera amplia, general y tersa, sino que también es posible intentar reconstruir las experiencias estéticas y los espacios de disputa simbólica que cada una de ellas puede llegar order BLU9931 encerrar, en nueva proliferación de espacios de encuentro
South Africa was the first African country to implement the
South Africa was the first African country to implement the seven-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV7) in its routine infant immunisation programme (in 2009), with the novel schedule aligned to WHO\'s recommended Expanded Programme on Immunisation (EPI)—ie, a 2 + 1 schedule with doses at age
br Risk of bleeding complications with
Risk of bleeding complications with dual antiplatelet agents Dual antiplatelet therapy (DAPT) with combined aspirin and clopidogrel has become a standard treatment after percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Recent studies have examined the impact of such therapy on the incidence of bleeding
br Conflict of interest br Acknowledgment br Introduction Se
Conflict of interest Acknowledgment Introduction Several investigators recently showed that the superior vena cava (SVC) was one of the major foci for initiating atrial tachyarrhythmias, such as atrial tachycardia (AT) and atrial fibrillation (AF) [1–4]. Conduction block between the atrium
br Material and methods br Results
Material and methods Results Thirty-one patients were enrolled consecutively, in this randomized study, between January 2010 and March 2012. The mean age was 65.5±13.7 years. The proportion of patients with primary prevention indication was 25.8% and ischemic cardiomyopathy was 29.0%. All repo
br Discussion Wellens reported an association between access
Discussion Wellens [1] reported an association between accessory pathways characterized by anterograde decremental conduction and the description of nodoventricular connections by Mahaim [2]. Consequently, these accessory pathways were erroneously referred to as “Mahaim pathways.” McClelland et a
Most forms of AVNRT are created by reentry between
Most forms of AVNRT are created by reentry between two (or more) atrial connections to the AV node. The fast AV nodal pathway (shortest conduction time) is formed by transitional cells crossing the tendon of Todaro superiorly. Two slow AV nodal pathways are formed by the rightward and leftward infer
br Although killed whole cell oral cholera vaccines OCVs
Although killed, whole-cell oral cholera vaccines (OCVs) have been known to be efficacious since 1986, and the bivalent whole-cell vaccine Shanchol has been licensed in India since 2009, OCV was not regarded as useful for controlling cholera outbreaks until recently. Many public health officials q
Lo and colleagues also add
Lo and colleagues also add to the evidence that MDA might need to be widened beyond school-aged children (5–14 years). Different frequencies of treatment are known to be needed for communities with different intensities of infection, but less appreciated is that different age groups need to be treat
Con el ltimo golpe de Estado argentino la
Con el último golpe de Estado argentino, la persecución de las sexualidades disidentes se intensificó aún más llegando this question su paroxismo en toda la historia nacional. En este caso no se trataba de una persecución exclusiva de homosexuales, sino que se hallaba enmarcada en una descarnada per
Findings Final data analysis included
Findings Final data analysis included 28 households: nine from the Tulip filter group, 10 from Waterguard chlorination, and nine from the group who boiled water. Two households had incomplete data and were excluded from analysis. Before the intervention, 29 of 30 households were not treating their w
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